Data Quality Solutions

Compare up to
200 Million Records

Accelerate data processing and simplify its management

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Sophisticated data matching algorithm


You will be amazed


Install locally and keep your data safe

Easy to use

Intuitive and optimized tools

We provide you with the best set of visual tools for automated data processing with a user-friendly interface that does not require programming experts. This leads to a more efficient, most profitable, and less time-consuming process of getting the best quality data.

Advanced Data Matching & Cleansing

DataExcelerate helps you to accelerate the process of matching based on any conditions you define in the most effective way. Clean, transform, profile, deduplicate, enrich, standardize and integrate your data with unchallenged speed and accuracy, maximizing business efficiency through quality data.

matching example

Maximize efficiency through quality data

Revolutionary ideas are always based on our ability to learn from the information we possess. We are here to help you to get the best quality information available.

Public sector




Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Customer Data Management (CDM)

Social media analytics


Counter-terrorism (terrorist watch lists)

Data science

Life science

Anti-money Laundering (AML)

Regulatory compliance (KYC, PEP, OFAC)

Fraud Detection

Homeland security

Border control

Data Matching

New Generation Data Matching Algorithm

Accelerate the process of matching based on any conditions you need with acquiring the most accurate results. Find matches, remove duplicates, enrich records avoiding obstacles caused by them.

We provide you with a tool that can match up to 200 million entities.

Data Profiling

Explore Data Efficiently

Powerful Data Profiling tool gives you detailed visualization of data which helps you to understand your data and address it accordingly.

Visual tools provide you with the fastest and user-friendly way to prepare your raw data for maximizing its usage and quality.

Data Deduplication

Improve productivity by removing duplicated data

Data deduplication is a process that eliminates redundant data in a data set.

In the process of deduplication data is analyzed to identify duplicates and remove them to ensure a single instance of reliable data, improving analysis time and making the process less costly.

Data Transformation

Clean and Standardize

Save your valuable time with optimized automated processes that skip unnecessary steps which are required by conventional methods.

Prevent bad data from harming your progress and raise your data quality to the next level.

Data Enrichment

Maximize the value of your data

Data enrichment is the process of connecting the best pieces of data from multiple and various data sources into a single instance that best benefits your goals.

It is very important to have detailed and updated data. Having quality data is key to great business decisions that increase profitability and growth.

Data Pipelines

Automate data processing

Visual tools that allow you the easy configuration for making, maintaining, understanding and documenting data operation flows.

Data flow manipulation is simplified because transformation logic is all in one place which gives you a much better overview that leads to the minimization of error possibilities.

Your data can be imported and aggregated from multiple sources to many varied destinations followed by complex transformations and multi-step operations.